Daina Court Kurume Resix

Name: Daina Court Kurume Resix (ダイナコート久留米レジックス)

My Price:  2,00,000 Yen

Address: 福岡県久留米市西町930-1

Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/tJEuf8pGzpbyJPp56

Access: 5 mins walk to Hanabatake station (花畑駅) 

Structure: Steel and Reinforced Concrete

Land Rights: Freehold

Number of total units: 50

No.of Floor: 12F

Unit Floor: 11F

 Unit Number: 11xx

Built Year: Aug 1991

Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 11,200 yen/month

Type of unit: 1K

Size: 17.71 sqm (center line of wall)

Balcony:  Need to confirm 

Occupancy: Occupied

Rent: 30,000 yen/month

Balcony facing: Need to confirm
Other: Elevetor, Auto-lock

Photo: please use it as your reference.


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スクリーンショット 2020-10-10 4.56.49.png
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