What happens to your property in Japan if you passed away??


Here is the thing you have to know and prepare for INHERITANCE of your property.

If you (foreigner owner) passed way, registration office requires to chage the name of the real estate to the heir.

There is no deadline for the procedure and if the heirs don’t procedure it, the ownership will remain as you.
Actulally, it is very hard to know wether all owner is still alive or dead for the Legal Department .

There are many real estate properties that have been left alone for decades even without being registered in Japan.

Here is how to deal with it.
It is changed depending on the nationality, the law of your country, and the law of Japan so since it changes, it is better to consult a lawyer in your country.
And you’d better write a “WILL” with a lawyer for inheritence in the future.

Thank you!

Gran Asset Management Inc.8/F 2-2-3 Maizuru Chuo, Fukuoka Japan 810-0073 P:(+81)92-753-9578 / F:(+81)92-753-9587 E-Mail : japan-investment@gran-am.com U R L  : http://www.gran-am.com
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