Here is the process for contract.
1. Pick your property
if you find any good properties from our listings, please let us know about it as soon as possible.
Our listings↓
2. Submit an offer (purchase application)
Japan, after accepted your offer by the seller, the buyer cannot cancel the transaction unless we find an unpredictable problem with the property or property record (ex: suicide/accident)
(Sample purchase application)

3. Your offered price agreed by the seller.
【The buyer】
Obtain your Affidavit/Declaration.
→You can obtain it from a public notary or local government.
What is the Affidavit/Declaration?
→In Japan, in order to register the property under your name, we need this document.
Here are the matters you will have to declare.
*Home address
*Date of Birth
*Passport Number
*E-mail address
【The agents】
Investigation/ The licensed real estate notary will investigate your property from physical side and legal side, to make sure the transaction is safe to go.
〉No problem with property
The seller’s contract/Important matters documents publish/ Send all of documents (contract) to the buyer.
〉Problem found
if the problem is found, we will let you know BEFORE the seller’s contract.
You may renegotiate or cancel the transaction.
As said, in Japan, it will be very difficult for us to cancel the transaction AFTER offer is agreed.
4. Important matters explanation by the licensed real estate notary over video-meeting.
After you receive documents, we will have to give you an explanations about the property before your sign the contract. it may take 1.5~2 hours.
5. Contract
After you receive an explanation, you will sign the contract. Then you will have to wire-transfer deposit.
6. After the documents arrives in Japan, we will set the settlement (registration) date.
We will calculate the tax etc…
7. Invoice
All of the payment will be stated in this documents.
(Sample invoice)

8. Settlement / Registration
This is the basic procedure. The procedure may change, depends on the situation.
Gran Asset Management Inc.8/F 2-2-3 Maizuru Chuo, Fukuoka Japan 810-0073 P:(+81)92-753-9578 / F:(+81)92-753-9587 E-Mail : U R L : |