A buyer should pay 4 kinds of taxes.
- Fixed Asset Tax (annually)
- Registration Tax
- Income Tax
- Real Estate Acquisition
?Fixed Asset Tax
- A buyer has to pay fixed asset tax once a year.
- Fixed asset tax is calculated depending on valuation of the property, but it will approximately equivalent to 1 month rental fee.
- The valuation is judged by the government, and only an owner of the property knows the valuation.
?Registration Tax
- Registration tax is imposed for the valuation of a property.
- it is approximately 120,000~150,000 Yen (if the property is 1 room property)
?Income Tax
- Depends on how much your annual actual income. If it is less than 480,000 yen, tax payment will be exempted.
※Annual income= (( Monthly Rent Income – All Expenses) x 12month))-Depreciation
All Expenses = Such as maintenance fee, property management fee
?Real Estate Acquisition Tax
- A buyer will be billed a real estate acquisition tax about 6 months ~ 1 year later after purchasing a property.
- This tax rate is different between a land and property.
Gran Asset Management Inc.8/F 2-2-3 Maizuru Chuo, Fukuoka Japan 810-0073 P:(+81)92-753-9578 / F:(+81)92-753-9587 E-Mail : japan-investment@gran-am.com U R L : http://www.gran-am.com |