What documents can you get after closing a deal?
Hi. Please let me share with you the one of knowledge of real estate in Japan.
What documents can you get after closing a deal?
Answer: You will get a title deed and registration certificate as shown below.
What is the title deed?
-For each new real estate owner, one tittle deed will be issued from registration office.
-the tittle deed is issued, which is including a pin number which others cannot see.
-It is required to submit the tittle deed to the registration office when transferring to new owner.
-The title deed cannot be changed or reissued
How to keep the tittle deed?
-The information is very important so please keep it safety space where no one knows.
If the tittle deed is stolen, what will happen?
-it is required to report as lost to the registration office so please contact to your property management company.
(Tittle deed information) ※It is 登記識別情報 in Japanese

(Registration certificate) ※It is 登記簿謄本 in Japanese

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