Fukuoka Property


New Style Of Buying Property In Japan

Hi. Today’s listing is different info from what i usually provide you.

This property is not for sale yet.

How should we deal with this property?

→The answer is to tell me how much you would pay for buying  this property.

Recently, we have new our cooperative real estate company in Fukuoka who can contact to many landlords with using their own network. Those landlords are considering wether sell his own property or not so we can make their property for sale if we offer the reasonable price to them.

Here is the current sales of units in the same building so please use this info as your reference.

-4.7M Yen on 4F

-4.7M Yen on 5F

-5.7M Yen on 7F

スクリーンショット 2020-06-30 16.18.27.png

if you are interested in this property, please tell me how much you can make an offer for this property.

Please check the detail below.

Name: Asahi Plaza Hakata ? (朝日プラザ博多?)

Price: Please Offer Your Desired Price

Address: 福岡県福岡市博多区神屋町7-18

Access: 11 mins walk to Gofukumachi station (呉服町駅)

Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/mtxWNX5Vva8MRu3f8

Structure: Steel Reinforced Concrete

Land Rights: Freehold

Number of total units: 91

No.of Floor: 11F

Unit Floor: 7F  

 Unit Number: #7xx

Built Year: April 1991

Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 7,140 yen/month

Type of unit: 1K

Size: 18.56 sqm (center line of wall)

Balcony:  3.60 sqm

Occupancy: Occupied

Rent: 40,000 yen/month 

Gross yield: Depends on your offer price 

Balcony facing: Southwest

Other: Elevator, Auto-lock, Space for washing machine in the room, toilet and bathroom separated

(Tenancy info)

Need to confirm


Please click the link below to see some photos of other rooms in the same apartment for your reference.


スクリーンショット 2020-07-01 21.47.33.png

(Room Layout)

スクリーンショット 2020-07-01 22.09.25.png

(Floor plan)

スクリーンショット 2020-07-01 21.36.20.png

(Balcony facing)

スクリーンショット 2020-07-01 21.44.39.png


スクリーンショット 2020-07-01 21.36.54.png

If you are interested in this property, please inquire me as soon as you can!!

Please click the link below to see our other listings.

I upload around 40 new listings a week so please check it!!


(New Episode on my Youtube Channel) 

Thank you.

Please share if you like!
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