Good Investment In Japan
Hi everyone.
This is whole residential building for sale in the center area of Kobe!!
Please check the detail below.
Name: Hill Haimu Kobe (ヒルハイム神戸)
Price: 150,000,000 Yen
Address: 神戸市兵庫区福原町8-17
Google map:
Access: 4 mins walk to Shinkaichi station (新開地駅)
Structure: Steel
Land Rights: Freehold
Number of total units: 23
→1K x 21 units, 3LDK x 1 unit, 1 shop
No.of Floor: 9F
Built Year: March 1989
Land Size: 118.98 sqm
Building total floor size : 673.06 sqm
Occupancy: 21 units out of 23 are occupied
Current Rent: 13,296,000 yen/year (If fully occupied, expected rent is 16,368,000 yen/year)
Current Gross Yield: 8.86% (if fully occupied, 10.91%)
Other income: Coin laundry 2,000 yen/month
Elevator, Toilet and bath separated,
(Repair history)
2010: Waterproof work
2017: Replacement for fire equipments
2018: Exchange the water pump
Please click the link below to see some photos of vacant room in the building for your reference.


(Layout of unit)

If you are interested in this property, please inquire me as soon as you can!!
※I uploaded new episode on the Youtube today which is about how to buy a property in Japan. I tried to make it as much as easier so i hope people who are interested in buying a property in japan helps their understanding.
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