Tokyo Shinjyuku Property


Center Area Of Tokyo Property

Hi. This property is located in the center area of Tokyo!!

Please check the detail below.

Name: Top Room Shinjyukukoen2 (トップ・ルーム新宿公園第2)

Price: 12,800,000 Yen ※Negotiable

Address: 東京都渋谷区本町3-49-15

Google map:

Access: 5 mins walk to Nishishinjyuku5cyome station (西新宿5丁目駅)

Structure: Reinforced Concrete

Land Rights: Freehold

Number of total units: 139

No.of Floor: 14F

Unit Floor: 6F  

 Unit Number: #6xx

Built Year: Jan 1985 

Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 9,500 yen/month

Type of unit: 1R

Size: 15.08 sqm (center line of wall)

Balcony:  2.83 sqm

Occupancy: Occupied

Rent: 69,000 yen/month 

Gross yield: 6.46% 

Balcony facing: Northeast
Other: Elevetor, Coin laundry

(Tenancy info)

Japanese male, 58 years old, Employed.

The lease contract has started since Feb 2010

Guarantor: Yes, it is included in the lease contract

Rent guarantor company: Yes, it is included in the lease contract


Please click the link below to see some photos of other rooms in the same apartment for your reference.

(Info Sheet)



スクリーンショット 2020-06-20 15.23.12.png

(Calculation table)

In the calculation table, you can see the rough total cost of purchasing a property and what kind of expense you need to pay for every month.

I mentioned about our property management in the calculation table. It is 5% of rent and included rent collection, basic tax handling, complaints handling.

スクリーンショット 2020-06-20 15.36.16.png

If you are interested in this property, please inquire me as soon as you can!!

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