High Yield Property Fukuoka


Below 3M Yen and High Yield Property

Hi. This property is cheapest one compared with other sales in the same building as shown below.

This property→2.85M Yen 2F Rent: 30,000 Yen

Other 1→3M Yen 3F Rent: 30,000 Yen

Other 2→3.5M Yen 3F Rent: 30,000 Yen

Please check the details below.

スクリーンショット 2020-05-14 16.22.55.png

Name: Asahi Plaza Kashii Station Square 

Price:  2,850,000 Yen 

Address: 福岡市東区水谷2-18-10

Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/NrwW5TYndgRZ5R7PA

Access: 2 mins walk to Kashiimiyamae station (香椎宮前駅)

Structure: RC

Land Rights: Freehold

Number of total units: 63

No.of Floor: 7F

Unit Floor: 2F  

 Unit Number: #2xx

Built Year: March 1990

Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 6,830 yen/month

Type of unit: 1K

Size: 19.08 sqm (center line of wall)

Balcony: 3.32 sqm

Occupancy: Tenanted

Rent: 30,000 yen/month 

Other: Elevator, Auto-lock, Space for wash machine 

(Lease contract)

Japanese male, 40s, Employed

The period of lease contract: Started from April 2020 and it is 2 years renew.

Rent guarantee company: Yes


Please click the link below to see some photos of other rooms in the same apartment for your reference.


(Property info sheet)

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(Calculation table)

In the calculation table, you can see the rough total cost of purchasing a property and what kind of expense you need to pay for every month.

I mentioned about our property management in the calculation table. It is 5% of rent and included rent collection, basic tax handling, complaints handling.

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If you are interested in this property, please inquire me as soon as you can!!

Please click the link below to see our other listings.

I upload around 40 new listings a week so please check it!!


Thank you.

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