Offer your price to get a high yield property
Hi everyone.
Today’s listing is a?bid?property due on?31st May.
This property was selling at 6.4M Yen, but the seller changed the way of selling to bid style.
The seller will accept the offer which is the highest offer price by 31st May!
For your reference, there are 2 properties in the same building which are on sales market now as shown below.
-6M Yen on the 4F
-6.8Yen on the 6F

in my opinion, offering at 5.8M Yen is worth to buy this property as considering current market situation.
if you agree with offering at 5.8M yen or little bit less than 5.8M yen, please let me know!
You can offer it with one condition which says that “i will decide wether buy or not depending on the detail of lease contract” since the detail of lease contract is unknown at this moment.
I look forward to hearing your offer!!
Please check the details below.
Name: Pure Doom Tenjin Anex (ピュアドーム天神アネックス)
Price:?5,800,000 Yen?
Address: 福岡県福岡市中央区春吉2-13-19
Google map:
Access: 6 mins walk to Watanabedori station (渡辺通駅)
7 mins walk to Tenjinminami station (天神南
Structure: Reinforced Concrete
Land Rights: Freehold
Number of total units: 88
No.of Floor: 7F
Unit Floor: 4F
Unit Number: #420 ※corner room
Built Year: June 1995
Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 7,200 yen/month
Type of unit: 1K
Size: 18 sqm
Balcony: Need to confirm
Facing: Southeast
Occupancy: Tenanted
Rent: 42,000 yen/month
Other: Elevator, Auto-lock, Toilet and Bath separated, Space for washing machine
(Detail of Lease contract)
Need to confirm
Please click the link below to see some photos of other rooms in the same apartment for your reference.

(Floor Plan)



(Calculation table)
In the calculation table, you can see the rough total cost of purchasing a property and what kind of expense you need to pay for every month.
I mentioned about our property management in the calculation table. It is 5% of rent and included rent collection, basic tax handling, complaints handling.

If you are interested in this property, please inquire me as soon as you can!!
(My Youtube videos)
Please click the link below to see our other listings.
I upload around 40 new listings a week so please check it!!
Thank you.