Hi everyone.
Today’s listing is 3 properties below 3M Yen with high yield.
All of them are Negotiable!!
If you find an interesting one, please let me know.
I will give you more details.
Please check the details below.
Name: Tokuyamaekimae Sky Mansion (徳山駅前スカイマンション)
Price: 2,500,000 Yen?
Address: 山口県周南市築港町12-1
Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/2GEZAxTcjRYhnQvs6
Access: 3 mins walk to Tokuyama station? (徳山駅)
Unit Floor: 3F
Built Year: Jan 1989
Type of unit: 1K
Size: 17.87 sqm
Occupancy: Tenanted
Rent: 29,000 yen/month
(Calculation table)
In the calculation table, you can see the rough total cost of purchasing a property and what kind of expense you need to pay for every month.
I mentioned about our property management in the calculation table. It is 5% of rent and included rent collection, basic tax handling, complaints handling.
Name: Shidaimae Sky Mansion (歯大前スカイマンション)
Price: 2,800,000 Yen
Address: 福岡県北九州市小倉北区清水4-1-26
Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/PzpmvK3frf9Wenpa7
Access: 7 mins walk to Minamikokura station? (南小倉駅)
Unit Floor: 7F
Built Year: March 1986
Type of unit: 1K
Size: 21.29 sqm
Occupancy: Tenanted
Rent: 31,500 yen/month
Name: Houkoku Sky Mansion Oita (豊国スカイマンション大分)
Price: 2,500,000 Yen?
Address: 大分県大分市原新町18-24
Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/B2YgCAiTLgmS1CPD8
Access: 8 mins walk to Takajyo station? (高城駅)
Unit Floor: 6F
Built Year: Feb 1990
Type of unit: 1K
Size: 17.52 sqm
Occupancy: Tenanted
Rent: 28,800 yen/month
If you are interested in this property, please inquire me as soon as you can!!
(My Youtube videos)
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I upload around 40 new listings a week so please check it!!
Thank you.