yokohama– tag –
Near China Town Property In Yokohama
Hi everyone! Today's listing is located in Yokohama city, Kanagawa This property is the cheapest one compared to other sales in the same apartment as shown below. Please check the details below. Name: Lions Mansion Yokohama Isezakicyo&nb... -
Yokohama Property
【High Rental Demand Apartment】 Hi everyone. Today's listing is located in?Yokohama! This building has a call center service that responses the equipment troubles for 24 hours a day so it makes the tenants comfortable for living. Please... -
Below 5M Yen Property In Japan for Investment
【High Yield Property in Yokohama City】 Hi. Today, here is Yokohama Property. Please check the detail below. Name: Lions Mansion Tana (ライオンズマンション田奈) Price: 4,980,000Yen Address: 神奈川県横浜市青葉台しらとり台57-15 Goog...